The Four Wisdom’s
of Untying the Sacred Bundle
Stephen W. Emerick
The Four Wisdom’s that come from
Untying the Sacred Bundle!
1. Leading with Breathing.
2. Waiting with Water.
3. Heart’s Hospitality.
4. Sharing Sacred Stories.
Note: These writings were broken up for ease of reading on certain devices. For the full document please click here.
Bundle of Wisdom –
Stephen W. Emerick Ph.D.
The Sacred Bundle gifts us Wisdom:
And I am not saying that I am wise,
but I sure get winded,
when recalling all the lies
I have been told about the Bundle.
But this one thing I know-
Wise is not the man, woman, or child,
but Wise is the Bundle.
And Wisdom is the gift to the one
who lives the life of the Heart Humble.
These are the Four Wisdom’s granted from Untying the Sacred Bundle. For the living of the Wholehearted Life!
~Leading with Breathing~
- Leading with Breathing: Leading with Breathing means we bathe the Body with Boldness and Balance at the beginning of our day: Then throughout the day, we create sacred space within which to make life-changing decisions and activate love and compassion for self and others. This can be done from a place of breath and balance. A place elders call Kumbhaka. Leading with Breathing. This creates the space between our perceptions and our responses. This is where freedom lives. Between stimulus and response. In a space called Kumbhaka, or the state of ‘suspended breath,’ in Yoga terminology.
~Waiting with Water~
2. Waiting with Water, wisdom number two! Remember Stimulus and Response? And the Pause between the two? This is what is amazing. The Pause that comes from Leading with Breathing, actually brings us Fluidity in the space between Stimulus and Response. Why? Because in that moment of Pause that brings Fluidity as we are Waiting with Water, we are no longer task-opinion-or-judgement-focused! For when we are task focused, we are not focused on breath. But with Breaths Fluidity between Stimulus and Response, is Sabbath. Rest. Pause. Enlightenment. The divine.
~Heart’s Hospitality~
3. Heart’s Hospitality (The Sacredness of all Species and Sites): It is here that Gratitude for Leading with Breathing and Waiting with Water blossoms into generosity, and what we may also importantly call the Heart’s Hospitality. It is this that calms the mind’s fears and brings love near.
We have done our Leading with Breathing.
We have done our Waiting with Water.
Now we are learning Hosting the Heart’s Hospitality to All Species and Sites.
We are entering into the experience of living within and from the Heart. In the Untying of the Sacred Bundle, we are developing a heart for the world. This is because we recognize the life within Breath and Water of all species. And if we have a heart for Creation, all species are sacred to us.
~Sharing Sacred Stories~
4. Sharing Sacred Stories: We have practiced Leading with Breathing; Waiting with Water; and Hosting the Heart’s Hospitality. These sacred blessings ignite our Ocular Fire – the inner eye’s fire of the Spirit and the visions we hold about the world – as we see all of this as Sacred Story. Yours, Mine, Ours.
Yours, Mine, Ours. And it is in the telling that a story flowers. Turns sacred in the telling. Becomes part of the Life Story of everyone who listens. Our stories reflect our identity and lies at the Heart of all that we are and can become, and of how we relate to one another and to the Universe.
We invite you to enjoy reading Untying the Sacred Bundle, available on Amazon. Which could lead me to another sacred story, of when I was in the Amazon with my daughters Shawna and Olivia…but that is a story for another time.
In Closing:
For now, remember and live your own stories. Honor them. You do no good keeping them to yourself. In fact, perhaps you hurt them and us.
So, share your stories, however you choose. Sing them, write them, type them, dance them, pray them, paint them and share with relatives or burn the ones that need to be burned, and give the ashes to the Mother of us all…
If you remembered some important stories as you read the Four Wisdoms, pay attention to them. They are calling to you. If they have arrived in your heart of memory, welcome them. Hurtful or sad, happy or glad. They are yours. Greet and treat them as an important guest, visiting your life. And perhaps one day, far far into the future, in whatever it may hold…someone will say: “Did I ever tell you the story about…”.
Tell your stories. Let them be seed to others. Plant them. Others will tend them, nourish them, as they watch them bask in the sunshine in days of harvest… we owe this to the next seven generations. They are waiting there, ready to receive our stories and make them their own. We are privileged to do so. There is no greater gift.
With love,
Stephen W. Emerick Ph.D.