New Releases

Poems from Untying the Sacred Bundle
If there is only one thing you can do to change your world, this is it, untying the sacred bundle and bringing balance to its four chambers. This is the human heart, your sacred bundle. The first chamber is sacred waters. The second chamber is sacred breath. The third chamber is sacred species and sites, and the fourth chamber, sacred storytelling. When in balance, we are in balance with Mother Earth and every nation of creation.
The Arc of the Star of Bethlehem by Rev. John E. Clark, AHC and Stephen W. Emerick Ph.D. MDiv.

Coming Soon

Poetry as Prophesy

The Poet’s Jesus

Stephen W Emerick PhD 

Master of Divinity

Poetry as Testing

Poetry and Testifying

Poetry as Prophecy



Who is reading the Arc of the Star? The Bishop of Belize! Picture: The Bishop Philip Wright (Left) and Rev. John E. Clark

About Stephen W. Emerick

Stephen is a husband, father, grandfather, elder, poet, Native American Flute player, Author, and retired psychologist who resides in Centerville, Ohio USA. His educational background includes graduate degrees in: Psychology–PHD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Psychology from The Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio USA; Psychology (Master of Arts), Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana USA; A Seminary degree (Master of Divinity) from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio USA. He is a licensed psychologist in the state of Ohio, USA.  Certified advanced grief counselor specialist.

A Family of Mystery

Stephen W Emerick PhD


I was born into 

a family of mystery

and  the night the winds

seemed to have no mercy.

The readings of centigrade

made many afraid.

Then I found a delight of hope

that night when birth took flight,

as the arms of father and mother

in welcome, spread wide, 

embracing tight, everyone

glowing with a sacred light.

I have been told we choose our parents

and if true I had chosen right.

A father who came to shelter thousands

in homes built with light and love –

A mother whose tender touch for children

felt like the alighting of the dove from above.

Now we are five gathered together 

at the hearth of the lineage of our people

born from the sacred heart.

Ancestors giving the life they had to give –

helping us get to this moment,

and in this moment, we truly live.

Living a life of service,

each and every one 

stepping into the currents of time,

finding life itself would help serve us, as

giving our all to others is what we know as

baptism in the spirit.

This is the mystery school of service –

teacher exceedingly profound.

Each of us hand in hand like Moses, 

standing upon sacred ground –

finding every act done on behalf of the ancestors

leads every life to be profound.

Dedicated to:

Samuel Saint John Emerick, among the early founders of, and first Chairman of the Board of Habitat for Humanity International. Habitat for Humanity is now among the top three housing builders in the United States.

Patsy Emerick, Kindergarten Teacher, and mother to many children of the world in her work and home, and teacher of the matriarchal spirit. 

Hungers of the World : For what do you hunger?
Stories of Courage and Love
Collaborative Community
Ethics and Reciprocity
Story Telling: Returning to the Original Weaving of Story
Sacred species Sacred sites
Raymond Ruka
An Honorable Death- How to die and go on living
Indigenous voices

Collaborative Communities, Friends, and Events

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